About Us


To offer each child and teen who comes to our doors the opportunity to experience the love and warmth of a family.

Through giving a family to orphaned, neglected and hurting children of Mexico. we are raising up the next generation of world-changers and breaking the poverty cycle in these kid’s lives, to giving them a hope for the future because THEY ARE WORTH IT!

James 1:27 

27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.


Break the cycle of poverty through service, work and love. We aspire for everyone to develop their full potential by transforming obstacles into opportunities. We want to be the trampoline that our children need to achieve success and happiness in their lives.

We envision a financially stable home made up of adults, kids, and teens who are confident in who God made them each to be, responsible, work, play and rest together as a family, and allow each to pursue their dreams with love covering and defining all we do.

MOm and dad to all

Samuel and Celeste are the on-site directors and they have 2 young daughters. They have lived at City of Angels since 2014 and are very skilled at what they do. On a daily basis they manage the orphanage, parent their own two biological children and all the kids here, run errands, manage finances, pay bills, buy groceries, receive groups, visitors, and volunteers and interface with supporters near and far. They love the Lord Jesus Christ and do all they do to serve Him.


1)What type of kids do we have at our home? They come directly from the Mexican government equivalent of Child Protective Services, which is called “DIF.” All our kids have been either abandoned by their parents and left at a DIF shelter or severely neglected by their families and subsequently taken from their homes by the DIF. They have all experienced terrible things in their lives before coming to COA.

2) Are you guys allowing visitors during COVID-19 situation? We are not accepting larger group as far as now. just dropping off donations and saying hi to our family. We will wait until we are on yellow light.

We are excited to have you back as soon as possible. We really miss all of you.

3) What should I wear on a day trip? Wear comfortable clothes that you can move around in. Please be sure to wear MODEST clothing as you will be interacting with kids and teens. Cut-off shorts of low-cut tops are not permitted. Clothes toed shoes are ideal (for various projects you may be doing and playing soccer) but make sure they are comfortable shoes if your group will be walking back across the border as its a bit of a long walk. Bring a rain jacket if there is a chance of rain and bring a sweater regardless. The weather is a bit unpredictable here and can change quickly throughout the day and from one day to the next.

4) What should I bring on a visit? Bring your passport (you’ll need it to cross back across the border), water bottle, good walking shoes, sweater or jacket, personal items needed for the day, and backpack. If you have food allergies please bring your own lunch because the staff has to cook for a large group of people and cannot accommodate special requests.

5) Are all of our kids involved in a church? Yes our kids are involved in the church we go to on Sundays (Iglesia Ancla) and the teens also go to youth group during the week.

6)What is the best way to help? The BEST way to help is whatever way works for you and that you can commit to. We have the same needs arise month after month and we need people like to you to commit to praying for us and donating monthly to financially support the work we are doing as a ministry if that is something you feel led to do. We love visitors as well and would love to meet you and your group or family and give you a tour of what life is like for our kids so that you can have a better idea of how you can be involved in their lives and support them. These kids have been through so much and need all the extra support, love and prayers you and us together can give them.

7) What physical donations is COA in need of? This answer changes regularly but there are always the staples that we need such as:

  • Cleaning supplies (Laundry detergent, fabric softener, disinfectant, Pinol, etc.)
  • Paper goods (paper towels, toilet paper, etc.)
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk, etc.
  • Financial contributions to pay the electricity bill, staff salaries, gas bill (we use gas for cooking and hot water and a few dryers but we also use solar panels and hang dry most of the clothes) cell phone bills, doctor and dentist bills, occasional medication, gas for the van, building repairs, etc.
  • See our detailed list for more information